Regarding texturgie

My Profile

Christine Browaeys, founder of T3Nel (ICT, Textiles, New Technologies), texturgiste and engineer Grenoble INP-ENSIMAG, with a Master's degree in sociology

My Approach

I try to draw a parallel between textile texture and human texture in touch with high technologies:
- The concept of “texturgie” in the textile sector: creating new sensitive matters by combining textile textures and high technologies
- The concept of “texturgie” in the human-nature: how to combine the analog texture of human being with his environment resized by digital technologies?

Which human sensitivity (body made of organic tissues/ analog operation/ mind) in a digital world?

2ème épisode de Fashion Green Talk : la sociologie du textile, avec Christine Browaeys, avril 2024


Merci à Fashion Green Hub de m'avoir invitée à ce podcast !

La sociologie vise à avoir une meilleure appréhension des sociétés, de leur fonctionnement et de leur transformation. Pour Weber, le sociologue doit principalement s'efforcer de saisir la signification que donne un individu à son action (démarche compréhensive).

Dans l'exercice de son métier, l'ingénieur ou le designer, peut viser une approche plus relationnelle,  chercher à être un médiateur et un intégrateur de compétences et de matériaux.

La technologie a profondément modifié la façon dont les individus perçoivent leur habillement. Aujourd'hui émerge l'idée l'idée d’une nouvelle sensorialité, à la frontière de la conception matérielle, une conception sensorielle qui inclurait l'expérience humaine

Ce qui me tient à cœur, c’est d'ouvrir la matière textile, d'essayer d'en faire un média du sensible. Aujourd'hui, nous devenons comme des "passeurs de matières".

Pour écouter le podcast de Fashion Green Talk

Stelios in the lattice of metaverse, by Christine Browaeys, August 2023


Follow Stelios's adventures to try to weave a shared imaginary fabric between reality and digital world.

Textile, ubiquitous by its very nature, adapts to suit its function. Well, here we have to blend the analog stuff of our being with an environment merged with digital technologies. So, let us try to apply the concept of “texturgie” to our new “digital humankind”.

Armed with double professional experience, in digital and textile areas, I wrote this essay to highlight significance of human imaginary world in the future of our society. As I am a “texturgiste” engineer and a sociologist, I use textile metaphor, with symbolism of network weaving, to express in what way experiences in virtual universes integrate imaginary understanding of reality. I slotted little tales about Stelios adventures throughout the text, echoing the developed analysis.

Stelios dans le treillis du métavers, Christine Browaeys, Editions Maïa, Paris, coll. Philosophies, August 2023.

La référence ebook Kindle de "Stelios dans le treillis du métavers".

La table des matières de l'ouvrage "Stelios dans le treillis du métavers".



April 2021 - Our “analog” humankind: disability or safeguard against the whole digital

by Christine Browaeys
(French version published in Enviscope, “Tribunes Libres”, February 17, 2021)

In their article Why move up into the digital world (ENS Lyon, 2012), Mathilde Glénat and Delphine Chareyron wrote: digital signal presents the advantages of being easily and faithfully transcribed... on the other hand, analog signal is sensitive to interferences and can deteriorate over time... but it always will make up entry points (microphone) and exit points (loudspeaker).

Our humankind, made of feelings, emotions, passions, would be a disability preventing to turn into the whole digital?

Human life comes within a little bit time that goes, between birth and death. Human is born in a body that he doesn’t choose. As a baby, he often takes more a year before walking, and he grows during 15 to 20 years before being really adult. If we compare our body and a technical object, it is entirely functional or high-performance only during a quite short part of our life. Then, our faculties begin softly weakening... This statement did not evolve. It is peculiar to all living beings, humans or animals.

Every generation learns to perceive the world within its phenomenological bubble, in comprehending its perceptual connection to reality thanks to technical devices at its disposal (To see and perceive in the digital age, Stéphane Vial, 2015). In the digital age, digital natives instinctively perceive with digital devices that changes their connection to matter, time and space. But have human beings really to learn to move in a different space, a space that would be entirely resized and woven with digital technologies, a “computed” space. Whereas there is pleasure in fate, in the risk of unexpected meeting, whether it’s good or bad...

Immediacy is the novelty today. Digital natives are adaptive to many stream of information that they receive continually and that they seem to metabolize easily. More and more, memory is like externalized out of body thanks to technical process as transclusion, reticularity... Our time is a time of transition. It could give more diversity in combining analog approach and intuitively digital approach.

Digital devices contribute also to reassurance of their users, as a cuddly toy, which brings about need of permanent interaction. But paradox it’s just that thinking thanks to oneself represents risk-taking, assumed solitude in our personal sphere. Will digital, such as today, give us time to stop, or else are we going to a “digital-human” world where it will become impossible to make “intentional bifurcations”, according to philosopher Bernard Stiegler?

Thinking is not limited to be told about but requires time to make our mind up. Aristotle said that “Human is a political animal by its very nature”. We do not have to leave the political choices that will make the future of our society.